Thursday, October 19, 2006

So I am reading this book called 'It's a boy'. Let me start with the fact that I am very much enjoying this book. But I keep reading about these moms that have sons who are violent and destructive by their simple boy nature. Is this going to happen with my Ben? I mean, he is two and a half and he doesn't seem the least bit apt to turn objects into guns or anything. I mean, he tears up paper and hits the dog sometimes, but girls do that too. When does all this boy violence kick in? I, of course, prefer that he remain my gentle little angel and I wonder if I just got a sensitive boy?

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

I AM home momma!

Apparently the logic of convincing a two year old that all 'fixer guys' have to go home and get dinner only works if you are not already AT home! Next time the logic will have to be that they go INSIDE their homes for dinner...

Sunday, October 15, 2006

The World of Why

Here it is. Yesterday he asked me why for the very first time. I think I am happy about it. I remember it as a challenging time with my younger brothers and sisters, but somehow with Ben it is likely to just be an opportunity to consider things more closely. I will keep you posted.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

I have this strange thing that I do. Every day I mentally check the significance of the date. I only mention it because today marks the one year passing of the date that we first found out about Ben's HLH risk. It wasn't the worst day of my life (that is saved for next week - when we got his initial results back) But it is a date that I will mark for the rest of my life. Do other people do this? I mean, I realize it's the point of anniversaries, but I do it for lots of things. Can't remember yesterday but I can tell you the date my dog died, the date that I found out I was pregnant, etc etc. I realize that if you thought I was strange before, this blogging is not going to diminish that.

I have this strange thing that I do. Every day I mentally check the significance of the date. I only mention it because today marks the one year passing of the date that we first found out about Ben's HLH risk. It wasn't the worst day of my life (that is saved for next week - when we got his initial results back) But it is a date that I will mark for the rest of my life. Do other people do this? I mean, I realize it's the point of anniversaries, but I do it for lots of things. Can't remember yesterday but I can tell you the date my dog died, the date that I found out I was pregnant, etc etc. I realize that if you thought I was strange before, this blogging is not going to diminish that.

Monday, October 09, 2006

'That buildin is too poorple fer me' he says as we pull up to a lovely little cafe for lunch. His recent obsession with 'for girlies' and 'for boys' colors disturbs me. I have to wonder if it is his teachers or his classmates that are projecting such thoughts in his direction. I find it distressing. I want him to be free to like what he likes and not worry about girlie colors and boy colors. At the moment he cannot eat with anything pink, purple, or the least rosy shade of red. It is a sad statement that at two and a half such things are embedding themselves into his innocent little brain. And yes, btw - he is officially two and a Half. He celebrated his 'half year birthday' (or at least I did) over the weekend.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

So today Ben was such a big boy, he walked all the way into the room at school and he even sat in a chair and smiled and started playing with the other kids. He NEVER does that. It is amazing how such a little thing can give me relief from wondering how he spends his days. I know he would rather be home and he is so obvious about his not liking the transition between home and school. It was just great to seem him be almost happy about being there for a change.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Well, now I am starting to love the blog. Some friends have sent me some wonderful links for inspiration and people have such cool stuff on them. I figured out the blogroll thing , thanks very much bubandpie.

Anyway, so my friend Cindy tells me that I should just get on here and write about the stuff I tell people about in conversation. Like how fun it was to watch Ben this weekend be such a good little kid. I was washing the car and he first decided it was funny to shoot water at Maxine with the hose, but then once in awhile the nozzle was turned the wrong way and he totally shot himself in the face. But he didn't cry - he took it and just laughed. It was great to watch.

Later, we had popsicles and when we decided that we needed a second one, he said 'I wait here' so then I went inside to get them and when I cam out he was just sitting on the wall very patiently waiting, he is so overwhelms me with pride and breaks my heart at the very same time.

One last little episode. It was storming here at some point last week, when Ben and I were quietly having a snack. I was sitting with him while he ate, but I was reading a magazine. All the sudden he reached over and took my hand and said very seriously 'lightning'. I asked if he was scared and he said yes. That is the first time he has ever done that. Previously he has had the instinctual response of running to me and/or crying. But this time he just wanted to hold my hand. It was just too sweet.

I love my boy.