Sunday, March 25, 2007

Ben had his 3rd birthday portraits done yesterday. Boy was it fun. We got such a great set of shots! Check out the flickr badge to see some.

Ben woke up this morning to tell me that fish don't have hammers. Neither do tadpoles and Nanna Deedee was there. Hmmm...

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Ben was sick all last week. Terrible fever and sore throat, couldn't get any food into him at all. Of course, this was the time I chose to be less frantic and assumed he had the virus that had been taking down his entire daycare. But after 3 days of 103 plus temps, we called the doc. Of course by the time she saw him he was on the verge of pnuemonia. I hate to be the panicky mom, but look what happens when I am not! Most importantly, he still melted me when on the 2nd day Mary asked him how he was feeling and he said, 'good' because that is always what he says, but then he paused and said, 'actually, I don't feel so good'. I continue to be amazed at my amazement and joy over every single thing about this boy. He is so big and so small all at the same time. I love him so much it just breaks my heart.

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We are watching 'Polar Express' again. We must have watched it at least 100 times by now. But today, Ben suddenly exclaims, 'Trains don't stop at people's houses!' - of course I think that is a brilliant observation for a 3 year old. Am I biased?


Saturday, March 17, 2007

Lately we have been working on telling the difference between shows and 'smercials'. The concept is made harder by Tivo because sometimes we can make things appear on demand, sometimes we can't. Then sometimes we don't even see 'smercials' because we fast forward right through them. Mostly i want to remember that he says, 'that's a smercial Mommy'


Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Ben's been sick. So today we had to wait to do anything till his dreams were over. so cute even when he is sick.

Ben has started to tell stories. He uses his story telling voice where teh intonation is up at the end with the last word drawn out. Like, there was a Waaaallll. It's cute. But everything in the past either happened this morning or last night.


Friday, March 09, 2007

I decided to wear sweatpants to the doctor this morning. Now I know that I have said before that I don't wear them out of the house but I spend so much time at that dr office that I decided I didn't care today. But wouldn't you know, as soon as we sat down in the waiting room, Ben said, " Why are you wearing your Jammies mommy?"

Wednesday, March 07, 2007


It's a word I use a lot. It's a grown up word, in my mind. It is so weird and wonderful to hear it coming out of Ben's mouth. I asked him a question this week and he first answered yes and then he said 'no, actually, he didn't' OMG where did my baby go?