Robbie doesn't have two Mommies...
There it is. 3 years, 3 months. The first time Ben asked, 'Why doesn't Robbie have two Mommies'. As quick as that, we said, the standard answer, that some people have a mommy and daddy and some people have one mommy and some people have.... and it was good enough. for now.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
My BlogRoll
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- Ben is transitioning again. He has such a hard ti...
- I'm 39 today. Seems strange. I feel so young and...
- Too Much Sugar. This is what I told Ben once wh...
- So I got this as a forward today for mother's day....
- We went home to Ohio for a visit last week. We got...
- BTW - Here are some pictures of Jane.
- yesterday I was getting ready for work and Jane (t...
- It's so funny to me that anyone even reads this bl...
- Not SureLately, Ben's affirmative answer is 'sure'...
- Ben had his 3rd birthday portraits done yesterday....

Wow. It kinda gives me chills. I wonder when Jack will ask the same.
Update: Robbie has since asked my why Ben has two Mommies. I gave the standard answer and if it makes anyone feel any better, Robbie responded, "I wish I had two mommies"
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