Friday, December 08, 2006

So last night I was putting away laundry in Ben's room. Ben was 'helping' by taking clothes out of the basket for me, but then started walking out of the room. So I started to say 'don't do that' because I thought they were his clothes, but then I realized they were mine and he was taking them to my room. In the middle of saying , 'don't do that', I stopped myself.

and he goes, 'stop screaming at me mommy'

which totally cracked me up
#1 wasn't screaming at all
#2 that is what mary and I are always saying to each other in a joking kind of way.

But the cool (and very funny thing) is that he got the intonation just right and was every bit as nonchalant as he should have been as he just kept moving...


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